Parenting & Kids

  1. Understanding the Role of a Guardian ad Litem in Wisconsin Family Court

    What Is The Purpose Of Guardian ad Litem In Wisconsin Family Court? If there is a custody or placement dispute involving your children during the divorce process, the court may appoint a Guardian ad Litem to perform an investigation and make a recommendation to the court. A Guardian ad Litem is an attorney who is…

  2. Legal Separation vs. Divorce

    What is Legal Separation? A Legal Separation is different than simply living apart. Physically separating is not the same as legally separating. If you physically separate without taking any further legal action, you remain legally married—and will continue to enjoy (or suffer) all the rights and responsibilities that come with it.  Legal Separation creates a…

  3. The Importance of Hiring a Family Law Attorney in Milwaukee

    People often ask, “Do I even need to hire a Milwaukee divorce lawyer?” The short answer is, “no.” However, you also don’t need to hire an obstetrician to deliver your baby. Nature will take its course with or without the doctor there. But sometimes it is nice to have someone who can intervene when there…

  4. Vaccination Disputes in Child Custody Matters

    When Parents Disagree on the COVID-19 Vaccination The Food and Drug Administration just announced that children 12 to 15 years old are now eligible to receive the Pfizer Covid vaccine. Children as young as 6 months old may soon be able to receive the vaccine after ongoing clinical trials are complete. But what happens when…

  5. Nesting: An Alternative Placement Arrangement

    When most think of divorced families with children, they think of the children being shuffled to and from one parent’s house to the other. But there is another option–nesting arrangements. A nesting arrangement is when the children stay in the familial home and the parents rotate in and out depending on their placement schedule. A…

  6. Child Support: How Do You Calculate Income?

    I was asked the other day when computing child support, what should you be looking at?  Should you be looking at current income, last year’s income, year to date income, or some combination of all the above? What is the most accurate portrayal of a person’s income for purposes of calculating child support? Where to…

  7. When can you request a change in Custody in Wisconsin?

    We take numerous inquiries day in and day out from individuals who have gone through a family law case and are interested in changing custody. How does one go about it? Are there time restricitions for doing so? What is the burden of proof? What type of evidence does one need to modify the existing orders?…

  8. Is the Wisconsin so-called “grandparents visitation statute” unconstitutional?

    Family lawyers through out the state of Wisconsin have been closely following a case before the Wisconsin Supreme Court dealing with grandparent’s visitation rights in the state of Wisconsin. On May 24, 2019, the Wisconsin Supreme Court issued it’s decision in the Michels v. Kelsey case, 2019 WI 57. The Wisconsin Supreme Court accepted certification…

  9. 150 miles or 100 miles? Which Wisconsin law applies?

    I receive a fair number of phone calls and on line inquiries about what a person is required to do to move away following a divorce. What notice is required? Do I have to file a motion? What reasons do  I need to move? How long will the process take? How much will it cost?…

  10. Child Custody Calculator in Wisconsin

    CALCULATING CHILD CUSTODY IN WISCONSIN Is there a way to calculate who gets custody of minor children when going through a divorce in Wisconsin? There are basically two forms of placement of minor children in Wisconsin when going through a divorce; a. Primary Placement. This traditional placement arrangement puts the children primarily in one parent’s home…

  11. How to calculate child support in the state of Wisconsin

    How do you calculate child support in the State of Wisconsin? The answer depends on what type of placement there is. Traditional placement. Where one parent has the child 75% or more of the time, and the other parent visits, the non-custodial parent pays a percentage of their gross monthly income for child support purposes;…

  12. How to prove a parent is “unfit.”

    Almost every other phone call or on line inquiry we receive, concerns a post judgment custody issue where someone wants to prove or allege the other parent is “unfit.” The idea is they want to obtain primary placement of the children, and in many cases, also involves pre-judgment matters. How do you go about proving…

  13. Can you get your own Guardian ad litem appointed?

    Interestingly, over the last few days, several people have asked me the same question; that is, can you get your own guardian ad litem appointed, or bring some other person to court for your child as their guardian ad litem? The answer under Wisconsin law is “no.”  The court appoints the guardian ad litem. Whenever…

  14. Different placement arrangements in Wisconsin

    There is an old saying that “one size fits all,” but when it comes to placement of minor children in a  divorce, there are a myriad of different placement arrangements that might work for one family, and for the next family it could be a train wreck. What works for one, doesn’t necessarily equate in…

  15. Day care expenses and child support

    You have little children at home and both of you work. You are going through a divorce and wonder how day care is going to be paid for. Does child support cover day care costs? Are day care costs covered separately over and above child support? Are day care costs considered “variable costs” and paid…

  16. Ex Parte Orders

    Litigants going through a divorce have a perception that nearly everything about their case is “urgent” or an “emergency.” From the lawyer’s perspective and the court’s perspective, most of what the parties may feel is urgent or an emergency, rarely is. However, there are situations that truly are urgent and can be considered an emergency,…

  17. When a woman is married and pregnant from another man.

    Many times in family law cases, we see situations where a woman becomes pregnant while still married. The husband by law, is presumed to be the biological father of the child. It complicates the divorce. If either the mother or her husband raise the issue with the trial court that the husband may not be…

  18. Challenging the Guardian ad litem

    The other day I wrote about the nuts and bolts of how a guardian ad litem conducts their investigation. What happens when you finally receive the recommendation, but you don’t agree with it? Is there anything you can do to challenge the recommendation? There is a procedural challenge to either the investigatory work or recommendation…

  19. Revisions to Child support in Wisconsin

    Effective July 1, 2018, there are changes to the child support laws in the state of Wisconsin. The standard for determining child support changed, including revising “variable costs” where parents have shared or equal placement of their children. Under the previous law, “variable costs” were defined as “the reasonable costs above basic support costs incurred…

  20. Grandparents’ visitation rights at risk in Wisconsin?

    The Wisconsin Court of Appeals recently certified a case to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, which accepted, could impact on grandparent’s visitation rights in the state of Wisconsin. The case is Michels v. Lyons, 2017 AP 1142 and the issue as pointed out in the certification is to clarify the standard of proof required for a grandparent…

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