When you file for a divorce, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the number of steps and issues that can come up when you’re preparing for your case. You might even be concerned with the length of time it can take to complete your divorce proceedings. Sometimes, it can feel like the proceedings may go on forever.
Fortunately, you can get a better understanding of your Wisconsin divorce timeline. Your lawyer from Karp & Iancu, SC can show you the projected timeline for your case and help you handle your divorce.
When you’re ready to file for divorce, you’ll first need to fill out a summons and petition for the divorce. The summons is a notice of a desire for a divorce, while the petition provides the needed information. If you don’t live with your spouse, you’ll need to serve these papers to them as well as to the court. Your Wisconsin lawyer can help you complete these steps.
If you and your spouse have prepared together for your divorce, the process can take as little as 120 days. However, if they’re not in agreement with you, you may need to reach out to your attorney for help.
During your 120 days until the divorce can be finalized, you and your spouse will also need to complete a financial disclosure statement. These documents will be key to determining the financial aspects of your divorce, such as the following:
Once you and your spouse determine your assets and income, you’ll be able to fairly distribute your property and provide the right support. Typically, you’ll complete this step within the 120-day period before your divorce can be finalized. Until this step is complete, you’ll be unable to finalize your case.
During the divorce proceedings, you may also be concerned about your children. You and your spouse will need to determine the best options for your children, whether that’s for one of you to have sole custody or for both of you to share custody.
This step can be completed during the 120-day waiting period. However, if you or your spouse chooses litigation, the proceedings could be stretched out before they’re completed. If you’re concerned about keeping your proceedings short, speak to your lawyer about working with your spouse to simplify the proceedings or about fighting back in court.
While these steps can help you prepare for your Wisconsin divorce, each case is different. Your former spouse may dispute your agreements, and other circumstances can affect your case.
At Karp & Iancu, SC, we understand the stress that a divorce puts you under. You’re facing a major life change, and you want to get through your situation quickly. Fortunately, our lawyers can help.
If you’re not sure what your Wisconsin divorce timeline is, reach out to us for answers. We can be reached by calling 414-453-0800 or by filling out the online form below.
933 N. Mayfair Rd., Suite 300
Milwaukee, WI 53226
"The representation by Karp & Iancu that I received was very helpful to guide me through the difficult passage from marriage to divorce. I would highly recommend retaining Karp & Iancu as they were able to provide highly valuable information and guidance to reach an amicable settlement with my spouse."
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